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The Government Webpage of this Province www.gov.pe.ca/
Neat and fun things to do in this Province http://www.peionline.com/
The National park of this Province http://parkscanada.pch.gc.ca/pn-np/pe/pei-ipe/index_E.asp
A special place in this Province http://www.gov.pe.ca/greengables/index.php3 
More interesting places to go http://www.peisland.com/vtours/tourhome.htm
Interesting facts and activities for kids http://www.kidzone.ws/geography/pei/index.htm
A schooling site that has a lot of facts and even a quiz if you want to take it http://homeschooling.about.com/cs/unitssubjgeog/a/puspei.htm
Map courtesy of Maps101.com