Area |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Score |
Gathers information |
Did not collect any relevant information |
Collected very little information |
Filled out the entire paper with relevant information |
Collected much relevant information from many different sources |
/4 |
Shares information |
Relies on others to do work |
Needs constant reminders to do work |
Is always ready to share |
Helps others with their work |
/4 |
Presents information |
Chose not to speak |
Presented too little information |
Presented all the information |
Presented all the information in a very clear voice using visuals |
/4 |
Cooperates with team members |
Always wants their own way |
Sometimes argues with teammates |
Only discusses with teammates what to do. |
Leads teammates to the correct decision |
/4 |
Fulfills team's goals |
None of the goals were accomplished |
Some of the goals were accomplished |
All of the goals were accomplished |
The goals were exceeded. |
/4 |
Total |
/20 |